i don't see why you should take all the blame for what happened. it wasn't your fault 意味

  • 生じた事態の全責任をなぜ君が負うのかわからない, 君のせいじゃないのに


        i don't see why not:     I don't sée why nót. ((略式))もちろんだよ.
        why don't you:    ~したらどうだい、~しませんか?、~した方がいいよ、せっかくだから~すれば?◆【直訳】どうして~しないの? Why don't you visit your parents once a month? 月に一度はご両親のところに行ったらどうですか。
        do what you want and see if i care?:    やれば?、勝手にしなよ、どうでもいいや、やれるものならやってみな◆直訳すると「あんたの好きなようにやって、それを私が気にするかどうか確かめれば?」となり、実際は少し気にしている場合に使う表現。
        that's why i told you:    だから言ったのに、言わんこっちゃない、ほれ見たことか◆【用法】忠告を無視して困った事態に陥った相手に
        see what happened in the match:    試合{しあい}の結果{けっか}を見る
        try to see what happened:    何が起こったか知ろうとする
        though i don't know why:    どういうわけか
        and i don't know what:    その他多くのもの
        i see you:     I sée yòu. ()(かくれんぼなどで)見つけたぞ,いたいた.
        what you see:    見えているもの
        and i don't know what else:     and I don't know what else Click...(7and I dòn't knów whát ?iélse ?máll?n?j
        take full responsibility for what happened:    起きたことに対して全面的{ぜんめんてき}な責任{せきにん}を負う
        believe what i see:    自分{じぶん}の目を信じる
        doubt what i see:    自分{じぶん}の目を疑う
        take all the blame:    すべての責任{せきにん}を取る


  1. "i don't see why i should bear all the blame"の英語
  2. "i don't see why i should divulge my age"の英語
  3. "i don't see why i should risk my neck for you"の英語
  4. "i don't see why not"の英語
  5. "i don't see why people get so excited over film stars' divorces. it's the kind of thing you hear about every day"の英語
  6. "i don't share his standards of behavior"の英語
  7. "i don't share your apparent need for punishment"の英語
  8. "i don't share your confidence in mr. smith's judgement"の英語
  9. "i don't share your skepticism on the outcome of this investment"の英語
  10. "i don't see why not"の英語
  11. "i don't see why people get so excited over film stars' divorces. it's the kind of thing you hear about every day"の英語
  12. "i don't share his standards of behavior"の英語
  13. "i don't share your apparent need for punishment"の英語

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